About Us.
At Last Train to Delhi, we want to take you for a culinary ride throughout Northern India to your final foodie destination, Delhi.
Executive Chef and Owner, Surinder Singh
It is a concept designed by Executive Chef and Owner, Surinder Singh. He wants to bring some traditional foods that he grew up with in Punjab, India and deliver them in a more progressive way. We want you to experience Indian cuisine differently and see and taste the glorious flavours of the cuisine.
Something very important to us, is the environment. We are trying to keep things simple by having a smaller menu, which means less food waste.
We also do not have a lot of meat options and want people to enjoy eating more plants. In the kitchen we compost (unfortunately most restaurants don’t) and recycle and try our very best to lower the amount of waste we put to the curb.
If more businesses, like ours, focus on producing less waste, it will help our planet and future generations.